Types of Product Packaging for Various Industries

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Product packaging is more than a gorgeous box. The perfect types of product packaging can make your clients turn into raving fans. It can mean the difference between getting added to the cart and being displayed. 

In a crowded marketplace, your product will stand out with great product packaging. Not only can the appropriate packaging help you generate sales, but it will also help you build a loyal customer that will patronize your product again.

Let’s get started on the road to custom packaging solutions to help your product stand out!

9 Types of Product Packaging

The various types of packaging we offer provide a protective barrier for products. They are unique in that they serve as both a transportation and storage container.

You can get quality boxes at affordable custom packaging wholesale rates from us. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most common packaging materials for main consumer packaging.

Bottom Closure Boxes

bottom closure box

Bottom closure boxes are a form of folding boxes with a tiered structure at the bottom. These boxes often feature a solid bottom that keeps the product in place, and the tucks and seals vary depending on the box. 

Bottom closure boxes, such as auto bottom and seal end bottom boxes, are available at XHM custom packaging. We will produce and tailor these boxes to fit your product’s demands.

You can use these styles as a foundation for creating your own customized product packaging. Our team provides bottom closure packaging as an example of a standard form. 

In the retail industry, these boxes are common. These boxes have a top-opening lid and a sturdy bottom. This makes it possible to nestle the goods inside.

Display Boxes

If you want your product to sit on store shelves, it needs to sell itself at first glance. You can promote your product if you use display boxes.

Display boxes are colorful and inviting, which can lead to impulse purchases. A colorful display box with precise information and tempting offers and discounts can take up little room at the supermarket and generally earns the sale!

The following are the different types of display boxes:

Countertop displays

You can place these near the counter or on the counter. Most of the time, a ready-to-purchase customer will glance at the products on the shelf and decide to buy one. Chocolates, candies, CDs, magazines, and other small products fit in this type of display box.

Floor displays

It stands alone and is larger than counter-top displays. You can find them in large supermarkets, as well as big and small stores. Floor displays are made from layers of corrugated cardboard.

They support the quantity and weight of the objects on their shelves. They are also sturdier and stronger than conventional display boxes.

Power wings

The sidekicks are another name for power wings. You can connect these display boxes to the main shelves. Make this marketing technique work by hanging all power wings at eye level.

End Caps

You can put them at the end of an aisle, following the main shelves of a store. They are sturdier and stronger and can carry a huge number of products. A product’s endcap should be able to integrate a touch-and-feel component.

Foam Insert Boxes

Foam inserts absorb shock, making them an excellent choice for preserving delicate glass, jewels, electronics, and other delicate items.

It is versatile and comes in many densities and foam kinds available. It can highlight your luxury items by providing a better product presentation.

It’s important to consider your shipping charges. Foam is a lightweight material that provides excellent protection during shipment and handling.

Foam is cut and created for your product, ensuring that it lasts and looks professional during every unboxing experience.

Satisfaction screams when your product fits exactly into your insert. XHM provides perfection with the best solutions. Send us your product, and we’ll create the perfect packaging insert for you!

Hang Tab Boxes

Types of Product Packaging

Hanging tab boxes can be a terrific way to display and package your products. They’re tuck end boxes with an incorporated header that includes a hole. These are great for hanging the packaging on appropriate store display units.

Hang tab packaging is available in a variety of custom sizes to protect and present your product. They have a variety of eye-catching design possibilities.

This ensures that your printed packaging will stand out in congested retail environments, and maintain a consistent brand image.

Your hanging retail display package will be made of high-quality corrugated cardboard. They are not only appealing but also hardwearing and sturdy, regardless of the tab.

Auto-Lock Boxes

Auto-lock boxes, often known as snap-lock boxes. They give more security and durability for the items inside. These unique boxes are lightweight and secure, assuring the safety of the contents.

You can use them as a surprise gift box for many occasions and events. Custom auto-lock boxes are available in a variety of designs and sizes to suit your needs. XHM employs materials that are durable and dependable.

We give variety and deliver an eye-catching and seductive box. XHM also employs remarkable printing techniques. We use materials that are both friendly and recyclable.

Our auto-lock boxes in bulk come at a discount to meet your budget. We provide you the freedom to create your own custom box.

Folding Foldable Boxes

Rigid Box For Garments

Collapsible boxes are the most convenient way to transport and pick items. The foldable box’s vertical sidewalls offer an optimal connection. Between stored volume and material used when you fold them.

You can use the foldable box again because of its sturdy design and high quality. In a few steps, you can fold and transport it in a very small space. 

By using many collapsible containers, you will use less transport space. And cut your transport expenses due to the large volume savings offered by the boxes.

Showcase Exhibit Boxes

Types of Product Packaging

It is a collection of several package types for showcasing your products. They meet the demands of modern packaging. All these boxes can display whatever things are inside.

They feature a smart design that can capture the interest of any consumer. And they make your products more visible by displaying them in a retail setting.

You can use this packaging in any type of business to fit your needs. Placing your goods in a showcase exhibit allows customers to get a quick look at them and buy it.

XHM offers a wide choice of possibilities—the box’s style, characteristics, and specs influence the packing. 

You have the freedom to select any color and pattern you desire. To make it stand out, you can print it with a logo or other branding requirements. Make sure to choose the right packaging for your business. 

Sleeve Boxes

Types of Product Packaging

It is a type of box with no ends and wraps around the container. It also adds another layer of customization and protection.

When ordering your sleeve box,  pay attention to the product measurements. The sleeve should be large enough to slide over the product. And small enough to give enough friction to keep it in place.

You may opt to customize your sleeve box, like any other boxes, and you can order small quantities if you want to target different customers. You can also store cutouts and specific decorations in sleeve boxes.

Top Closure Boxes

Types of Product Packaging

Top closure boxes don’t have a flap or a top cover. Instead, they have locks or handles that keep the box secure. The lack of top panels indicates that the packaging is of high quality.

It is also cost-effective because of this feature. XHM offers a variety of top closure box alternatives. Such appealing packaging increases your sales and expands your customer base. 

The addition of interactive locks and handles to your package increases its value. It improves the level of protection and makes your display more appealing than the competition.


First impressions are important. And your packaging is a consumer’s first encounter with your goods. As a result, product packaging is a major element for producers to consider.

With the variety of product packaging XHM offers, you can choose the right package for your product. We make sure to provide our clients the freedom to create their own designs. You can guarantee that we offer the best service together with our team. 

If you need some help with your packaging, contact XHM custom packaging for better solutions!

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