Christmas Packaging Design: 20 Ideas To Transform Your Business

gifts wrap

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Christmas custom packaging is a simple way to surprise your customers. It gives them the impression that they are being treated to something special. 

Though it may seem self-evident, the potential to capitalize on the positive and festive character of the Christmas season to sell your products and services is important.

It should be in a classy manner that complements your brand’s design. A complete pattern makeover could damage the brand image. 

As a result, designing your own personalized Christmas package is a good idea. XHM custom packaging can create a fantastic custom packaging solution for your business.

One of the factors that you need to consider ahead of time is the packaging. Finally, Christmas is the ultimate test for all eCommerce business owners, retailers, and marketers.

Below are the ideas on how to pack your products for Christmas. Be creative and start planning the perfect Christmas packaging today!

Color Combination

1. Use a Festive Mix of Gold and Black to Create a Unique Look

Christmas is no longer a time for tacky decorations. When it comes to color combinations, black and gold are a great way to stand out.

Black evokes images of elegance and simplicity, while gold reminds people of luxury. When you use these two colors, even the most basic patterns will appear more luxurious.

2. Use the Christmas Colors of Green and Red

Christmas trees, lights, and decorations are all related to the colors green and red. And guess what? They’re also ideal for Christmas packaging ideas.

In a Christmas-themed box, using these two colors makes a strong statement about the season, even if you don’t want to make a major change to your branding this holiday season. There’s nothing wrong with adding a splash of holiday color to your packaging. 

Style Inspiration

rustic christmas packaging

3. Rustic Designs

Rustic designs have an innate warmth to them and make good use of minimalism. They can complement a wide range of products because they are practical. And any product will look excellent in that style.

You don’t need a fancy Christmas design to make them seem amazing. All you need is your logo and a festive ribbon or kraft tape.

4. The Scandinavian Sweater Style

There’s a time when Instagram is overwhelmed with photos of individuals wearing Christmas sweaters in front of warm fires. Even if you think it’s all cheesy, here’s a hint.

Keep an open mind when looking for design ideas. Folk designs have a long history in Scandinavian countries, and they can be printed on your packaging as well. Take a cue from the folk patterns.

5. Go For Simplicity

Minimalism can also help with Christmas wrapping. Consider simple prints, elegant typefaces, and toned colors when designing Christmas packaging. To create a gentle celebratory ambiance, use white and natural cardboard.

Optional Print Options

6. Hot Stamping

Hot Stamping is a technique for applying glowing foil to a specific part of a design. As a result, you get a unique, shiny pattern piece. 

Start by hot stamping your brand’s logo or name, and design a unique festive emblem with a hot-stamped texture. A hot-stamped liner can also be added to a sentence printed on your Christmas packaging.

7. Embossing

A small amount of brand recognition can go a long way. Embossing is a great way to put your brand’s visual icons to work.

It’s a printing process that gives a box’s surface a 3D effect. You will address the sensation of touch by including such innovation on the surface of your box. When you combine an embossed surface with hot stamping, you get a luminous appearance that looks great beneath the Christmas tree!

8. Create a Hashtag with a Christmas Theme

Print a holiday hashtag on the box to encourage customers to go online.

This is an example of how you may use packaging in your marketing plan. Bring all your consumers together in one location and let them share the packaging you’ve created! Many companies are using this method, particularly Starbucks.

9. Add Some Humor

The spirit of Christmas is one of light and happiness. Packaging has the ability to make your customers smile as well. How are you going to do that?

Surprise your consumers with hilarious text. It should be written in a handwritten font or printed.

Fillers for Packaging

packaging ideas

10. Include Some Partitions and Custom Insert

Do you prefer your belongings to be nice and orderly? Many of your clients do as well.

That is why a box with unique partitions inside is excellent. These modest cardboard inserts add to the package’s security and allow for greater amortization. As a result, the contents will arrive intact and in good working order.

11. Use Wood Fiber and Shredding Paper

For the inside of your holiday packaging, wood wool is a fantastic choice.

It adds to the box’s internal amortization. You can opt for natural color or a festive, colorful variety such as red, green, or gold. Your consumer will receive nice goods, which is excellent for sharing on Instagram.

Outside Add-ons

Christmas Packaging Design

12. Labels for Holidays

A label contains all the pertinent information about your company and the contents of the box.

A simple cardboard box can seem different than a gorgeous, colorful label. You can use this to wish your customer a happy holiday season.

13. Add Some Ornaments

Do you have a retail location where you sell your goods? Then add something special to your design.

Add a small jingle bell to the top of the box, such as a small cat bell. Even before the gift reaches the tree, it will spread Christmas cheer wherever it goes!

14. Add Some Ribbons 

A ribbon is the perfect finishing touch for a presentation box.

But don’t reject it as a cliche. Ribbons can give a modest twist to your design while also providing more branding space.

15. Stickers Are Cute

Stickers are little items that can be put in almost any place. They can incorporate a “Merry Christmas” note or a small holiday symbol in your festive design. You may also put your logo on a sticker to make it stand out.

Inside Add-ons

gift with ribbon and tag

16. Wrapping Paper

Wrapping paper is used on the outside of packages. Have you considered putting it inside the box?

The second layer of embellishments can use semi-transparent paper to create anticipation. It also gives the whole thing a sleek, premium feel.

17. Print Something Inside the Box

Customers want a remarkable experience when they open a box from you. How can you raise those sparks?

One method is to print a little message inside the box. Provoke your customer’s curiosity by creating a sense of mystery around your offering. 

Allow the customer to discover the goods on their own, guided by your design! Print a text telling them how special they are.

18. Put Some DIY

Who said that you got to do it all on your own?

It’s all about customization at Christmas. Encourage the person who will receive your box to add something unique to it. Send them a Christmas tree branch or a small pouch filled with stickers, and leave the rest to their imagination.

19. A Wish Note

It’s a good idea to add a personal touch to your package.

Because we all enjoy being acknowledged and treated with respect, a delicate addition to your package will be a note with personalized Christmas wishes and your signature.

20. Create A Beautiful Wrap Present

How do you wrap a present? Put some cover on the product inside. It will not only give some thrill, but it will also be your way to protect the item.


Picking out the best custom packaging for Christmas might be tough, especially if there are a bunch of orders. But, following our guide will help create the perfect Christmas packaging.

We create packaging that impresses the consumer, and we make sure that your customers will receive the product with a smile. We also accept custom packaging wholesale solutions.

Let us make your packaging exciting. Contact XHM custom packaging right now!

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