Brand Inspirations For Your Packaging Design: Tips To Attract Customers

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How many times have you gone out of your way to check out a product because the packaging caught your eye? Did the appearance of two identical products influence your decision? While we should attempt not to assess things based on their look, the truth is that first impressions matter a lot to us.

A product may only be on the retail shelf for a couple of days, but it will spend weeks, if not months, on the shelves of your house. Great custom packaging solutions must be durable. It must be a work of art that people are proud to display in their house, pocket, or bag.

When it comes to selecting a product’s packaging, there are many factors to consider. So, how do you go about creating good custom packaging that is also functional?

We’ve searched for brands with creative packaging that will inspire you. Here are six brand inspirations for your packaging design. Let’s get to know them and learn more about their custom packaging solutions!

6 Brand Inspirations For Your Packaging Design

To help you get started on your own designs, we’ve compiled a list of six brands that have perfected the art of product packaging. Along with a brief description of what you can learn from them. Here are a few instances from which you should take inspiration:


brand inspiration for your packaging design

Apple’s business strategy prioritizes brand value. And the tech giant’s product packaging plays a key role in this.

  • All Apple products use a combination of black, white, and grey on their packaging. Also, the company’s famous logo ensures uniformity and identity.
  • Customers buy their products in sleek and minimalistic boxes—things that are stark white with black text and a high-resolution snapshot of the object housed within. This contributes to the feeling of comfort and style.
  • Apple’s products are obvious to both users and non-users because of their straight lines and uniform typeface. The company’s ‘San Francisco’ typeface, for example, is on all product packaging and iOS apps.
  • They protect the product with electronic packaging using sturdy cardboard, which is then covered in foam or extra cardboard.


It’s no surprise that cosmetics retailer Lush has a well-thought-out packaging strategy:

  • The colorful packaging is always appealing whether you’re buying one of the company’s items in a paper bag or a box. Even the reusable metal containers are in keeping with the theme.
  • Regardless of which product you choose, each box has the Lush emblem put on the front. The purpose is to keep things as simple as possible.
  • In-store recycling is available for all Lush’s creative containers. For example, customers can trade five empty containers for a free face mask. This is a fantastic method to encourage ethical consumer behavior because consumers will stay true to the company’s goals and values.
  • All the pots and bottles are BPA-free. It is 100 percent post-consumer recycled plastic that customers can use again.


Image from Behance

The bottle design by dairy firm Molocow is another stylish product packaging.

  • The milk bottle has a UFO twist lid, and the conical glass looks like a beam coming from the spaceship.
  • The branding message goes deeper than paying explicit reference to the 1897 legend of alien abduction of a Kansas cow. The transparent packaging also allows customers to observe the product’s quality and freshness.
  • The playfulness of Molocow’s design isn’t for show. It appeals to children, who are more likely to buy a product if the packaging appeals to them.
  • There’s no doubt that the product packaging is stylish. Its distinctive style will set it apart from the other generic milk brands on the shop shelf.

Halo Top Creamery

Halo Top Creamery is an ice cream company. They are also a great example of inventive product packaging.

  • They sell small containers because it is ideal for consumption by small groups of individuals.
  • The Halo logo is prominent on the packaging, appearing as a golden “halo” around the circle of the lid.
  • Color is in well-designed packaging, like when portraying the diverse flavors of a product. Each tub reflects the personality of the ice cream within it, thanks to the colors. Halo’s chocolate peanut butter flavor uses a dark brown and golden-brown color scheme.

Nord Stream Seafood

Image from Branding.News

Nord Stream Seafood has interactive casings because of an outside marketing agency to remember:

  • They use moiré patterns in a particularly inventive way to create a sense of movement. While also engrossing and amusing the customer.
  • These cases include a moving image of the tasty seafood because plastic and paper are combined. This shell is more significant for its aesthetic values than its utility. Even though it isn’t useful beyond notifying buyers about the contents of the package.

La Fiole De Pape

Brand Inspirations For Your Packaging Design
Image from La Fiole De Pape

The Châteauneuf-du-Pape wine from this luxury brand is a perfect example of refined and cool packaging design:

  • The wine bottle’s front label is cool because of its archaic design. The typeface also corresponds to the product’s ageless and high-brow nature.
  • The deformed bottle pays homage to the Châteauneuf-du-Pape for its gnarled grapevines.
  • A positive result of the twisted shape of the glass is that it makes the bottle more pleasant to grip and pour.
  • The fact that it is not a vintage wine, the soiled bottle gives the product the appearance of being older than it is. It is a type of narrative in and of itself. With its sandy finish and distinctive shape, it stands out on a shelf among other containers.

As these custom product packaging examples prove, the appearance of your company on the shelf may make a big difference. This doesn’t mean you should save on quality or lose sight of what makes your product special in the first place. But it also doesn’t mean you should pass up an opportunity to be inventive.


If you intend to launch a new product on the market, you may remodel the style of an existing product and package it in one of today’s hottest trends. 

Always pick the right idea for your custom packaging wholesale. Buyers are expecting the quality of your product before it arrives. So take advantage of the opportunity to impress them from the moment they see it.

XHM custom packaging ensures that your packaging needs are of the highest quality. To get brand inspirations for your packaging design, contact XHM today!

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