How To Choose The Right Product Packaging For Your Business

custom product packaging

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The world revolves around products. A good product is admirable with the right product packaging. It will offer your company’s image the boost it needs. If you get it wrong, the consequences might be terrible.

The correct package will impress the customers. It will also keep the product safe and fresh during transportation. Consumers will be happy to receive the product in fresh and good condition.

In this article, we’ll tell you how to choose the right packaging for your business and how to pack your product. So let’s go beyond the cardboard box and give your consumers a one-of-a-kind experience!

How To Choose The Best Materials For Your Product


There are a variety of material options, but here are a few of the most popular, along with the factors to consider while selecting each.

  • Corrugated cardboard is both flexible and tough. It’s used to transport products that are too heavy or fragile, as well as shipping cartons. It’s also a popular choice among subscription boxes.
  • Shrink Films packaging is lightweight and excellent for printing on the outside.
  • Paperboard is a type of white chipboard that makes cartons and trays. It is often used for food, dairy, and other things since it holds printing well.
  • Flexible firms will protect food, dairy, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other things.


It is important to consider your budget range in relation to the features you would like to incorporate for branding purposes.

Glass and natural fibers have a high-end appeal, but they are more expensive to make and ship. There’s also a greater risk of damage, which lowers the brand’s perceived value.

Food-grade cardboard is quite inexpensive and offers reasonable protection against crushing. It’s also adaptable and has unlimited designs.

Plastic isn’t good unless consumers recycle it. If you must go this path, you can urge people to recycle as a selling point.

The bottom line is that you must find a balance between inventive marketing aspects. And the amount of money required to ensure that a flawless product reaches the client.


If you sell cellphones, placing a product-sized box with an Apple logo on someone’s doorstep isn’t going to win you any points with the consumer who never receives it. Consider the possibility that someone might steal the product and adjust your packaging. You can put the cellphone box on different packaging.


The mode of transport can have an impact on the size of the shipment. To optimize space and cut damage, size packages in either situation.

The size of the product must be the same as the box. Consumers will not be happy to receive a large box and only see a small product inside. 

You can use two packaging sizes for consistency and aesthetics.


After you’ve taken care of the design components, you can focus on the functionality. A fantastic design accomplishes three goals:

  • Tell the customers that it was for them
  • Prove them that the company is worthy of their trust
  • Demonstrates the value of a well-transported product

A major aspect is how you will transport the product. Layer upon layer, packages carried by air or freight are usually stable. If the product is perishable, the packaging must be suitable for transportation.

XHM custom packaging solutions ensure that the product is safe for delivery.


Packing options will depend on the expectations of the consumers. High-end subscription boxes online need attractive packaging that fits and protects the contents. While selling low-cost jewelry, plain packaging will be enough.

It’s a good idea to become familiar with all your options to prepare for future growth prospects. Keep an eye on customer feedback on your prototype and make changes based on what you learn.


Whether you have different prices for your product, branding on the package is important. You do not have to spend the same amount on the packaging. XHM offers affordable prices for the packaging of your product.

It must not only impress at times but also get to where it needs to be. This is an area where both your sales and marketing professionals will be helpful. Because packaging is important to your brand’s image, it’s worth allocating some of your marketing budgets. Package testing will guarantee you receive the response you want.

How To Package Your Products For Shipping

right product packaging

When consumers purchase something from your store, their order travels a long way before reaching them. The packaging does more than protect your products, and it affects the way customers perceive your brand. Don’t worry. We will tell you the right steps in shipping the products. 

1. Choose The Right Packaging

The primary function of the packing material is to provide protection. Customers may be disappointed if things come damaged, and you will have to deal with more returns. You’ll need durable packaging, as well as filling stuff on the interior.

  • Think outside the box. Padded envelopes are best for shipping small articles and apparel instead of boxes. Because these goods are so light, you can save money on delivery. They’re also ideal for local deliveries made on foot or by bicycle.
  • Sample of order packaging. Some small business owners want standard packaging materials with their own design and logo. XHM offers order sets with different sizes to choose from.
  • Choose different sizes. You’ll be ready for the majority of consumer orders. If a consumer orders three books from you, you don’t want to ship them all, nor do you want to send something little in a large box.

Test Your Packaging

Good packaging may be opened without causing damage to the contents. To put your product packaging to the test, follow these steps:

  • Place a packed box on the floor and then place it in the shower for a few minutes. This will give a decent sign of how sturdy and waterproof it is. You can then change the amount of filler material or add a waterproof inner layer.
  • Pack and seal a couple of different boxes. Test whether you can open it with your hands or with a scissor. Make sure that the buyer will be safe in opening it.
  • Try sending one to yourself. Take a peek at your products when they arrive. Were they squashed or damaged during transport?

If it can harm the customers while opening it, add opening instructions to the outside of the box to help customers open it.

2. Design Product Packaging That Makes Your Brand Stand Out

Your consumer is looking forward to receiving their order. Their first thrill will come if your business name and logo are visible on the outside of the box.

Choose Right Colors

You can stand out by being creative with your packaging design, even if you’re going with standard packaging. XHM will offer boxes in a range of colors so you can match your brand and website colors.

Choose A Print

The box will be printed with your logo and brand name. It’s also a good idea to include your social media presence. Customers will be reminded to follow you and express what they love about your products or even make an unboxing video.

Choose Sustainable Materials

Growth paper provides a protective layer between different products in a package. This consists of two layers of paper with plant or flower seeds between. Plants can be grown in the wrapping paper after unpacking.

3. Give Your Customer The Best Unboxing Experience

Your customer’s attention is focused on the goods you send when you use standard packaging. You may make unpacking your products a unique experience that purchasers can only have from your firm by adding your own finishing touches. Here are some suggestions to help you make it an excellent one:

Let Your Brand Personality Shine Through

If you make unwrapping your products fun, they’ll feel the same with your brand.

  • Include a free sample or a tester in the package
  • Give a discount on their next order
  • Put a message or thank you note


Good packaging keeps the product safe. Great packaging helps in attracting and retaining loyal clients. We want to make sure that our product doesn’t get damaged in the mail. And we should also make it a simple marketing opportunity by putting effort and creativity into it.

Working with XHM custom packaging ensures that the product packaging design is of the highest quality. It will also promote your brand and impress the customers all at the same time. To get started on your perfect packaging, contact XHM right now!

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